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駐場急救服務 - 醫療急救服務當然持有醫療專業責任保險 為公眾提供急救服務
負責任及合法地保障各持份者利益。因為涉及他人生命 , 沒有灰色地帶 , 確保行業認受性/專業性
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
駐場急救服務 Event First Aid Service
駐場急救服務 Event First Aid Service

We will always endeavor to be as visible and approachable as possible
so that you and your clients feel relaxed and safe at all times with a friendly approach.
Customer service is a lost part of most modern businesses nowadays so we are bringing it back in the simplest way possible.

Due to the increasing number or amount of claims (civil litigation) caused by accidents or injuries, the demand for high-quality medical care has become increasingly important. In pre-hospital environments, medical healthcare providers often have limited background information on patients, but emergency personnel need to make appropriate medical decisions quickly, also the reputation of event organizers largely depends on the skills and abilities dealing with medical emergencies of medical emergency personnel. . 

 Therefore, we strongly recommend making appropriate arrangements to have well-trained medical professionals equipped with proper medical equipment and insurance to support your events. 

At "Event First Aid Service Limited," we understand the importance of the responsibility of medical healthcare providers. Our services are backed by medical malpractice insurance and employee compensation insurance, ensuring professionalism, legality, and professional ethics when providing medical services to the public. 

"Our primary goal is to safeguard the interests and safety of all stakeholders participating in the event."

All our documents and terms have separate legal status. If someone is injured during your event, we will provide the organizer with a post-event first aid summary for potential insurance claims, legal claims, and future planning references.

 Our liability insurance coverage and business operations are fully licensed.





“活動急救服務有限公司” 了解作為醫療服務提供者責任的重要性。








Whatever size event or location, you can be sure that we will endeavor to meet your first aid resource requirements.


If your event includes:


  • Large Gather Events - Involve a large number of people gathering

  • Private event/party

  • The event involving elderly or infants, children

  • High speed/high intensity/contact sports competition

  • Elite sports competitions/sports event 

  • Long-term Event (more than one day, anytime up to six months)

  • Event occurs at extreme times (for example, 48 hours without interruption)

  • The event may require an extra: C-collar, spine board, medical oxygen, wheelchair, scoop stretcher, defibrillator, AID CAR or other medical equipment based on the nature of your events.





  • 大型活動 ---- 涉及大量群眾

  • 私人活動/聚會

  • 活動涉及老人或嬰兒,兒童

  • 高速/高強度/接觸運動比賽

  • 精英體育比賽 / 體育活動

  • 長時間的活動 (活動超過一天 ¬六個月)

  • 活動在極端的時間發生 (例如48小時不間斷)

  • 活動可能需要 , C型頸圈,脊椎板,醫用氧氣,輪椅,鏟式擔架,除顫器,救助車 或其他基於您活動性質的醫療設備


📌⭕️"Having Medical Malpractice Insurance is crucial for all medical professionals.
If our role involves serving patients, it is necessary to have this coverage.
As responsible service providers, we do not take the chance of practicing medicine without malpractice insurance.
We prioritize these requirements to safeguard your brand reputation, address liability concerns, and ensure you receive top-notch service from us at your event."  

在香港高度透明、問責、 鏡頭下和公眾權利意識不斷提高的趨勢背景下,

如有任何問題/疑慮/興趣 , 歡迎在下面給我們留言
電郵 debbie@eventfirstaidservice.com或者直接致電/ WhatsApp 9881 6312    
Feel free to drop us an email or direct messages, WhatsApp or call us on 9881 6312 if there is any questions/concerns/ interest

Success! Message received. We will come back to you shortly !

最近收到多個主辦單位要求提供「僱員補償保險」副本以備案記錄。 一旦確認服務後,我們將提供所需文件。




Recently, we have received requests from multiple event organizers to provide copies of "Employee Compensation Insurance" for record-keeping purposes. Once the service is confirmed, we will provide the necessary documents. Event organizers can rest assured that we do not take any event lightly and ensure that our pre-hospital emergency medical services are well-equipped with adequate and effective liability insurance. These measures aim to ensure that all stakeholders participating in the event have full confidence in its safety and feel reassured by the emergency medical team you have entrusted, providing safety and liability protection for your event and capable of handling any unforeseen circumstances.


Every duty we go out must be equipped with a Wheelchair, Medical Oxygen,
and an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)​

Post-Event First Aid Summary

駐場急救服務 Event First Aid Service

--Some of the Client's feedback --

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Screenshot 2023-03-26 220619.jpg

"Thank you.  We're just doing our job."


We could keep your event confidential upon request !


We will provide our qualification upon request.

駐場急救服務 Event First Aid Service
駐場急救服務 Event First Aid Service
駐場急救服務 Event First Aid Service
駐場急救服務 Event First Aid Service
駐場急救服務 Event First Aid Service
駐場急救服務 Event First Aid Service
駐場急救服務 Event First Aid Service
駐場急救服務 Event First Aid Service
駐場急救服務 Event First Aid Service
駐場急救服務 Event First Aid Service
駐場急救服務 Event First Aid Service
駐場急救服務 Event First Aid Service

I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the presence of this assembly, to pass my life in purity and to practice my profession faithfully. I will abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous, and will not take or knowingly administer any harmful drug. I will do all in my power to maintain and elevate the standard of my profession, and will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping and all family affairs coming to my knowledge in the practice of my calling. With loyalty will I endeavor to aid the physician in his work, and devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care.


                                                               ——The Florence Nightingale Pledge (1893)

活動急救服務 Event First Aid Service
活動急救服務 Event First Aid Service
駐場急救服務 Event First Aid Service
活動急救服務 Event First Aid Service
活動急救服務 Event First Aid Service
活動急救服務 Event First Aid Service
活動急救服務 Event First Aid Service

Be it pledged as a First Aiders, I will honor the physical and judicial laws of God and man.

I will follow that regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of patients and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous, nor shall I suggest any such counsel. Into whatever I served, I will go into them for the benefit of only the sick and injured, never revealing what I see or hear in the lives of men unless required by law.

I shall also share my medical knowledge with those who may benefit from what I have learned. I will serve unselfishly and continuously in order to help make a better world for all mankind.

While I continue to keep this oath unviolated, may it be granted to me to enjoy life, and the practice of the art, respected by all men, at all times.  
Written by: Charles B. Gillespie, M.D. Adopted by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians, 1978

活動急救服務 Event First Aid Service
活動急救服務 Event First Aid Service
活動急救服務 Event First Aid Service
活動急救服務 Event First Aid Service
活動急救服務 Event First Aid Service

〈A simple act of caring creates an endless ripple〉

活動急救服務 Event First Aid Service
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